Archive | April 2012

Cards and Paint

Hello again my binary fuelled friends, I’ve been thinking abut the other side recently. What is it like to be the unknown other or the unknowable other. To have an intellect vast and echoy. To be devoid of morality so nothing has true consequences. To actually enjoy mustard. It sends my mind reeling in horror every time .

Today is a light one folks. I have two short pieces, one deals with nonlogic and the second deals with the duality of the for mentioned “Other.” To paint or not to slay, that is the question. I hope you’re as hungry as I am.

Twabble(100 word story)

Fifty Two Card Pick Up

“Pick a card, any card,” The magician cried. I drew one of the fifty two he held. I looked at it and smiled. I drew The Death.


Abstract On Parchment
Parchment waits.
Hung from my apartment wall by barb and wire,
it is there every evening and is gone in the morning.
I get my tools.
Paint brush metallic, clean; it shines in the light.

Paint springs from the cured hide as if water pressing to silk.

I begin.

Two blue stars I snuff with strokes of orange,
silver flashes take a pale moon and I dig a skull from it’s soil.
Etchings, roots of pain appear with quick trailings.
Paint spills to the floor, staining the carpet red.
my parchment screams.

Flesh of the damned

Welcome again to my digital bungalow. Humans have this draw to be different, to be an individual and to stand out from the crushing masses. We run and we fight for the ability to leave a legacy. Only the hope of a rare black swan keeps the locomotion of our lifetime fed.

Today I have a flash fiction named the Damned Queen. I hope you’re as hungry as I am.

Flash fiction(Less then 1000 words.)

Damned Queen

I face a wall with danger behind me. A single strip of humanity in what remained of London. After the world changed, you had to run and hide just to live. The monsters erupted from humans and beast alike, turning everyone in to Lovecraftian horrors. They were random in their choice of hosts. Sinners and innocent alike changed.

But now to the wall. I’m sitting in the light of a blood red moon and surrounded on all sides by things that are a mockery of human form. The slavering forms move slowly toward me. How did they find me?

After hours of fighting for my life I stopped to gather something to eat from a burned out supermarket. Within the charred wreckage there were sometimes cans of soup or vegetables. While I was searching the monstrosities came. One by one they filtered in to the building, fleshy shadows trailing on the floor. I didn’t realize I was trapped until they were close enough to grab me. I was looking down at a can of noodle and beef broth when a shadow crossed over the daylight. When I looked over my shoulder I screamed. I ran for the only way out, a pare of doors leading to a back ally.

Outside the red sky above cast the world in a bloody shadow. Everything twisted in abhorrent ways, becoming a twisted vision of what life used to be like. In the final seconds of freedom I staggered through the ally, the monstrosity’s closely behind.

And we return to where we met, I am about to die on the other side of a Beefy Burger and horrors closing in. The fleshy putrescences close in on me. It feels like the ground is helping my attackers, each of my steps sticking to the blood slicked pavement. They reach for me. They envelop me.

I change. My body melds with theirs. I can hear the strangeness of their thoughts pushing against my consciousness. Then I’m one of them, a crawling horror looking for my next victim.

Steak on the Barbecue

Hello, Welcome to my new home. It is contained on a cold metal plater so I hope a bit of chill doesn’t bother you . I am Tesseract, writer, artist, and nonuclidian shape. I’ll be posting my prose and poetry here. I’d like to start off with a three course meal, I hope you’re as hungry as I am.

Twabble(100 character story)

Dipped in vinigar

The Titanic sailed through thick vinaigrette. A crew member spotted a green shape direct ahead. “ICEBERG,” He warned.

Drabble(100 word story)

A Steak most foul

The first steak was a nuisance. I had the grill up and ready to go. The seasoning and marinade were perfect. True , the guests had yet to arrive but everything had to be perfect for tonight. My wife came in to the kitchen and saw the state of the main course. “Haven’t you finished that yet? You’re a bloody useless prick Dan,” she said. She glowered at me and I mumbled back a, “Yes dear.” I tested the edge of the knife I was holding. It was sharp enough. “Dinner will be ready soon I think.”

Hiku(Syllables 5,7,5)


Thick and creamy, yellow mix

Down my throat and burns a bit

Sweet is my dessert